Invest in the spritual real estate of Israel

Turn empty shuls into busy hosts of daily minyanim and shiurim.

Turn forgotten, at-risk families into bastions of strong, connected Judaism – for generations.
Break through anti-religious prejudice and open hearts to authentic Jewish living.

Bring spiritually desolate regions of our precious Land back to spiritual life.


To donate via check, please send to:

Belev Echad Leachdut Inc.
84 Adams St.
Lakewood NJ 08701


To make a tax-deductible donation in Canada, make your check payable to “Kav Sholom Emrei Noam” and add a reference “for the benefit of Belev Echad”

70 Dell Park Ave, Toronto, Ontario M6B 2T8


NRST Bank Details:  
New Rachmistrivke Synagogue Trust – Reg. Charity 1050963 
Sort code 20-95-61
Account number 10758728
 Reference: For Belev Echad
Achisomoch account  number:
(MO) 463

Cheques and vouchers should be made out to N.R.S.T., and mailed to: Belev Echad c/o Michael Glassman 50 Heathfield Gdns. London NW11 9 JA


To make a tax-deductible donation in Israel (Seif 46), make your check to “Belev Echad”


PO Box 7280,

Bet Shemesh, Israel, 99574

For wiring instructions

please contact us.