When Belev Echad enters a community, we work to address every communal need — from spiritual to social-emotional and even economic.

Men's Shiurim

Stoking the soul’s spark — and watching it blaze to life.  When we first enter a moshav, we generally find complete ignorance about the basics of Judaism. Often, as soon as we introduce shiurim on halachic topics like Shabbos, Tefillin, and Taharas Hamishpacha, listeners change their lives — remarkably.

We also introduce them to Torah study, beginning with Parshat Hashavua and eventually opening the treasure chest of Gemara. We also help young married men strengthen themselves as Jewish husbands and fathers.

Every community’s learning style is different. Some think deeply and enjoy intellectualism. Others want to hear the straight, simple version. We work carefully to match each audience with the rav or madrich that connects best with their needs.

Ladies' Shiurim

Nourishment — and Empowerment — for mind, body and spirit. Jewish mothers, wherever they are, deal with the same blessed challenges. They’re endlessly busy, devoted to their families. They struggle to find time for themselves — and often, to find meaning in the endless “mundanity” filling their schedules.

Of course, Belev Echad Jewish mothers face an even deeper challenge: large-scale ignorance of the halachot and wisdom needed to nurture a Jewish home.

We created our women’s programming to address all these needs. At least once a week, moshav women enjoy “ladies’ time out,” nourishing their senses of self with good schmoozing, pampering refreshments, and the fulfillment that comes with meaningful learning. Our rabbaniyot shower them with love, friendship, and encouragement, offering listening ears to those with difficulties they want to share and facilitating idea-sharing between the women themselves. This support helps them embrace the insights and halachot that give them back their power as Jewish women and home-builders.

Boys' Shiurim

Getting through the teenage years healthy, productive — and passionately connected to Judaism. Teenagers everywhere go through turbulence. For Belev Echad teenagers, coming from low-income, low-structure homes, turbulence often means drugs, crime, addiction to unfiltered internet, and a life on the streets. Their grandfathers were hardworking Jews who faithfully clung to prayer and Torah study. But they’ve been cut off from this legacy.

Belev Echad’s teen programming goes to battle against the whole list. Our teens get after-school structure. Fulfillment. Personal mentorship and guidance toward emotional and spiritual health. And, most importantly, a path to reclaim their grandparents’ spiritual legacy. Our boys become staunch, enthusiastic members of local shuls and go onto build kosher, healthy homes.

Girls' Programming

Love and support first. The byproduct? Jewish commitment. Sitting teenage girls down for a lecture isn’t usually the best introductory tactic. That’s why Belev Echad focuses heavily on personal “big sister” mentorship in our girls’ programming. While we do provide several group shiurim on traditional Jewish topics, many of our girls connect best through supportive, ongoing conversations with madrichot about life’s general struggles.

For teenage girls growing up in low-income environments without much safety net between them and the degenerate world at their fingertips, confusion, pain and risk lurk everywhere. Belev Echad madrichot are there with listening ears, smart advice, and the tools to help their girls choose a life filled with purpose, satisfaction, and rich Jewish connection.

Yom Tov Food Parcels

Love means noticing and filling every kind of need. Belev Echad has one agenda: taking care of our Jewish brothers. When we noticed widows, single parents, elderly people, or poverty-stricken families struggling to fit Yom Tov extras into their meager budgets, we started distributing food parcels to ease their burden and make their Chagim beautiful.


Today, we guide our Rabbanim and madrichim to find struggling families and make sure no one on our moshavim spends Yom Tov without high-quality essentials and treats. Of course, discovering that Belev Echad cares for their stomachs just as much as their souls opens Moshav members’ hearts further to Torah.

Religious Article Gemach

Breaking financial barriers to religious living. Every Jewish man needs tefillin. Every Jewish home needs mezuzot. But these holy articles are expensive. They’re also delicate, requiring costly repairs.

While Belev Echad teaches a moshav how to perform these mitzvot, we open access to our gemach of kitvei kodesh. Moshav members get one month to use our tefillin and mezuzot until they can repair or purchase their own. They also get careful instruction for properly using and maintaining them.

Summer Programs for Children and Teens

Infusing risk-filled summers with joyous Jewish growth. Summer vacation, structureless and hot, can prove disastrous for kids and nerve-wracking for parents. Belev Echad fills this void with its highly popular summer camps and activities. Children and teens hike, swim, travel and play sports alongside carefully tailored Jewish programming. Campers love every minute. Parents are delighted.

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