Moshav Yishai

Moshav Yishai

Money in the Garbage Moshav Yishai Pesach was coming. Rabbi Glasner, who delivered Belev Echad youth classes at Moshav Yishai, had just started teaching his eager students about the laws of chametz. Moshe, an athletic young body-builder who spent lots of spare time at...
Moshav Zecharya

Moshav Zecharya

Named for the nearby ancient town of Beit Zecharya, Moshav Zecharya has an interesting history. The current community was founded by Kurdish Jewish immigrants. Its early years were punctuated by bloody strife between the area’s Jewish residents and neighboring Arabs...
Moshav Zlaffon

Moshav Zlaffon

Moshav Zlaffon was founded by Yemenite refugees in 1950. Later joined by Moroccan immigrants, the ensuing decaded caused a major decline in the community’s religious connection. Since ___, Belev Echad has been working to bring the residents closer to their creator....